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Why I Walked Away from the Baby Steps
Dave Ramsey, a popular author and radio show host, promotes seven "baby steps" to pay off debt and build wealth–but I walked away after...
The BEST Way to Pay Off Debt
Recently Dan posted about the 3 Major stages of wealth building. Today we'll take a closer look at that first step, paying off 3rd party...
Is Black Friday Putting You in the Red?
Millions of Americans just participated in the annual tradition of Thanksgiving. For many, it's a time of relaxation with family and...
Scarcity vs. Abundance
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." ~Maimonides The scarcity mindset is...
Three Things Dave Ramsey Won't Tell You
Many aspects of modern financial planning involve levels of risk that investors don't truly comprehend. It doesn't have to be that
Turning Loss into Gain
—I’m Going to Make Money Buying My Next Car— So it actually happened—after 18 years of driving, I was involved in a wreck. Someone ran a...
Why I Want the Smallest Bank Account Possible
You read that correctly! I want the smallest bank account possible—just enough to cover monthly expenses. Why? It's not because I took...
Are You Gambling with Your Future?
Many investors have little knowledge about their investments. They proceed much like I did when I first had access to a 401(k) program:...
What Does a Personal Wealth Presentation Look Like?
A Personal Wealth Presentation is a FREE service we provide with no obligation! Request yours today! Our free Personal Wealth...
Don't Make This Mistake with Your Money!
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 17 seconds. Contains 458 words. "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what...
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