Millions of Americans just participated in the annual tradition of Thanksgiving. For many, it's a time of relaxation with family and enjoyment of life's simple pleasures.
The following day, known as "Black Friday," is a day of special sales, deals, and other money-saving incentives. Retailers who may have spent the rest of the year "in the red" with negative net income hope to make enough sales to push them into positive territory or "in the black". Shoppers are just as excited for the sales: braving the traffic, long lines, and even physically fighting over products.
Many of these individuals have trouble making ends meet, so it is understandable that bargain-hunting plays a big role in their Christmas preparations. But sadly many of the same people are unnecessarily stuck in financial hardship. In fact, many of them are still paying off last year's Black Friday purchases.
Out of the millions that brave Black Friday to save a few hundred dollars, how many of them spend 5 or 10 minutes each day thinking how to save money elsewhere? Better yet, how many of them spend that much time in an entire month figuring out how to acquire more money?
Learning some fundamental rules about how money works can change your financial picture. If there are holes in your financial bucket, why add a Black Friday hole as well? One of the first steps toward abundance is plugging those holes. People are typically aware of minor holes such as unnecessary expenses, but they miss the major ones: essentially all the money that leaves your family. We teach a method to help people recover these lost dollars. If there were a way to get all the money back on your Black Friday purchases, would you want to know how to do it? Better yet, would you like to know how to recover the entire cost of your house? The principles involved are the same in both cases. Learning these things are the beginnings of financial wisdom.
If you do things the way everyone else does them, you will end up like everyone else. Join us to learn how the wealthy manage their money differently than most. Sign up today for our Free Beginner's Course to get started on your path toward abundance.